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回顾:AJA HELO流媒体 & 记录装置

阿佳,你好.264编码器是一个很好的进入现有的AJA产品线的产品. Don't let the small form factor fool you--this device packs advanced compression control, 流媒体, 记录, 和调度功能,以合理的价格.

Over the last seven months, I have had the opportunity to test the new 阿佳,你好.264年拖缆 & 记录器(下面的图1)在实验室和生产环境. 自2016年底以来,我一直在焦急地等待它的上映.

图1. 阿佳,你好.264编码器. 单击图像以查看其全尺寸.


你可以使用阿佳,你好.264编码器在各种各样的用例. 形状因子为5.5英寸深× 7英寸宽× 1英寸高, 它足够小,可以和其他制作工具一起带到现场, 或者将它与其他组件一起安装在您的工作室或场所. 库存单位与一个交流适配器, and you can buy additional power cables that enable you to power the unit from a DC source, 比如相机电池.

2017年10月31日,AJA发布了固件版本2.0版本的HELO,它包含了对以前版本的主要增强. Be sure to download and install the latest firmware to have access to these new features.


The AJA HELO can accommodate your HD source signal in and out with 3G-SDI and HDMI. One of my favorite features is this unit’s ability to repeat the input signal on both SDI and HDMI out simultaneously. So, if you have an SDI input, you can use HDMI and SDI out to other devices or monitors.

你也可以用3.5mm (aka “mini”) audio input to accommodate an audio master signal separate from the video input. 你也可以用audio Out插孔监控音频.

为 网work connectivity, the AJA HELO has a 1Gbps Ether网 port for LAN access. (请注意,该设备没有WiFi连接.)在理想的生产环境中, you should have the HELO and a laptop (or desktop) computer on the same LAN so that you can configure and monitor the HELO from your laptop. 我将在下一节中详细讨论网络可发现性.

用于录制直播, AJA HELO有一个SD卡插槽和一个USB插槽, making it easy to provide high-quality 记录s to your clients and presenters on site.

直接配置和固件更新, you can connect the AJA HELO to a laptop or desktop computer via the USB Config port to interface with free AJA eMini-Setup software for initial 网work configuration and for configuration and control via a web browser.


Configuring the AJA HELO requires you to have access to a computer connected to the same LAN as the HELO. You don’t necessarily need a laptop or desktop computer--you can configure settings with a smartphone browser that’s connected to the same LAN as well. 默认情况下, the HELO is configured with DHCP IP allocation and will grab an IP address from your 网work’s DHCP server. The HELO will have unique Bonjour name based on its serial number, 如aja-helo-1HE000443.

在您的网络中查找HELO的IP地址, you connect the HELO to your computer via the USB Config port on the HELO and the free AJA eMini-Setup software. 当你启动软件时, the HELO will automatically be detected and its information displayed in the application, 如图所示 图2(下面). 显示IP地址, and you can click the Open Web Page button to access the HELO’s configuration in a web browser.

图2. AJA迷你设置应用程序

如果你不想用USB连接找到你的HELO, 您可以使用Bonjour发现服务来定位设备. 在Mac系统上,打开Terminal并输入:

dns-sd -B _http._tcp .

This command will continuously monitor Bonjour services and display devices that are broadcasting over Bonjour. AJA HELO将出现在这个列表中,类似于这个例子:

21:25:10.913 ...开始...
21:25:10.914添加3 12 local. _http._tcp. aja-helo-1HE000443

按Ctrl-C退出命令, 并在web浏览器中使用设备名称和域名, 如aja-helo-1HE000443.来自前面示例的本地. 方便访问, you can rename the HELO’s name in the Config options of the management interface discussed next.

在iOS, OS X, 和窗户, you can install Bonjour Browser to locate the HELO and other AJA devices connected to the same LAN as your iOS device.


While the front of the physical unit has basic controls to start/stop 流媒体 and 记录 with single-button activation for quick operation, 流媒体 and 记录 settings are controlled in the AJA HELO’s incredibly fast web-based management interface. 我已经测试和使用了广泛的H.264硬件编码器与类似的管理接口, 没有一个像AJA HELO那样反应灵敏. With most management interfaces, you need to click and wait to apply settings. With the AJA HELO, all settings are applied as soon as you input the new value.

2.0 version of the HELO firmware enables a new low-res preview of your input source, 如图所示 图3(下面),从而实现对源材料的视觉信任监控. The left sidebar of the interface displays alarms that are clear and identifiable.

图3. AJA HELO管理界面与状态页

状态页面(图3), 在管理中加载的第一个页面是哪个, 提供有关输入信号的信息, 调度程序状态, 当前的预设适用于流媒体和录制, 网络状态, 固件状态.

配置页面(下面的图4)允许您控制活动视频源输入(SDI或HDMI), 音频源输入, 和音频延迟(新固件v2.0). 您还可以控制HELO的默认行为.

图4. HELO的配置界面


图5. HELO固件页面

Streaming engineer and strategist and 流媒体 The Video Doctor columnist 罗伯特•莱因哈特 of VideoRx discusses some of his favorite features of the new AJA HELO Plus Advanced Streaming and Recording Appliance in this new tutorial video. A longtime user of the original HELO in his own professional live productions, 讨论了新型底盘的设计, 新的布局功能的图片中的图片和更多, 同时流式传输到两个目的地, 新的SRT支持, 和更多的.
AJA Director of Product Marketing Bryce Button and 流媒体's Shawn Lam discuss the integration of AJA's OpenGear cards with Dante Audinate and the Dante A/V 网work and other news from AJA in this interview from NAB 2023.